How to Train Black & Tans to Coon Hunt

In America, the black and tan coonhound evolved from the foxhound for its color pattern and treeing ability. One of the few all-American dog breeds, the black and tan coonhound is noted for its determination to stay on track while hunting coons no matter the conditions or terrain, according to the American Kennel Club. While all dogs require basic obedience training, coon dogs require hunt-specific instruction to prepare them for the job. Introducing the coonhound to the hunt should begin as early as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Raccoon hide or scent
  • Truck
  • Dog box
  • Gun
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    • 1

      Give the puppy basic obedience training. Early obedience training will establish you as the "alpha" leader with the pup. Hunting dogs need to be more disciplined than family pets.

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      Take the puppy on regular outings in the woods. The dog needs to get acclimated to the hunting environment. Walks in the woods will get it used to the scents, sounds and terrain.

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      Teach the puppy to "load up." Since you will need to transport the dog to hunt sites, take it along with you whenever possible in your car or truck. If you plan to use a dog box to transport the dog, use the command "load up" while teaching him to get into the box. Get him used to traveling in the box while he's young.

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      Use a coon hide or a rag dipped in coon scent to introduce the dog to the raccoon smell. You can purchase bottled coon scent at gun and hunt shops, through the Internet or via mail order. Drag the hide or rag around and let the puppy fight with it. Be animated and get the puppy excited while playing with the coon hide.

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      Create short tracks for the puppy to follow. Drag the hide or scent rag across the ground, over and around objects. Then hide the pelt or rag and have the puppy find it. Use the command "get 'em" when sending the puppy on the hunt. Continue this process, making the hunt more challenging each time.

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      Place the hide or scent rag in a tree at the end of the hunt course. The dog needs to learn that raccoons will take refuge in a tree. This will help him learn to tree a coon.

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      Get the puppy used to gunfire. Take the pup with you to the gun range to get it used to the sound of the gun.

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      Consult with another coon hunter with trained dogs for more advanced training using live raccoons. Raccoons are dangerous and can kill an untrained dog. Don't attempt to train your pup with live bait without direction from an experienced hunt dog trainer.