Professional Dog Training Courses

When a puppy is added to a family, one of the most important things that has to be considered first is dog training. Although many owners train their dogs at home, professional training is recommended. Dog trainers and dog training programs can be found in many cities.
  1. Trainer Search

    • Most pet stores and veterinarians have a list of dog trainers in the immediate area, so consulting them is the easiest way to find a nearby trainer. Pet store and veterinarian office staff members can also make recommendations based on personal or customer experience. If they are not able to assist in finding a nearby trainer, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) provides a trainer search engine on its website, along with help and guidance on choosing the correct trainer. The APDT search engine also provides the option to search for certified trainers only. To become a member or affiliate of the APDT, dog trainers have to agree to further training and education to maintain high training standards.

    Online Resources

    • Although working with a professional trainer on a one-to-one or class basis is recommended, sometimes it is not possible to fall into a class schedule. If this is the case, you can use online resources such as e-Training for Dogs, an online school that provides training to owners and professional trainers. Many of the courses offered by e-Training for Dogs are for personal and information purposes only, but e-Training for Dogs also provides accredited courses which will award certificates or diplomas at the end of the course. e-Training for Dogs provides a variety of courses and programs, including Behavioral Problems and Issues, and Search and Rescue/Detection Dog Training, all making use of webinar technology.

    Instructor Schools

    • Many people qualify as dog trainers but do not have the resources to start a dog training school. Instead, they provide pet stores and veterinarians with their contact information and offer one-on-one classes. Two of the many schools that professionally educate dog trainers are Triple Crown Academy and the National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors (NADOI). Both can provide information about local trainers.

    Books and On-line Resources

    • There is always the option of training a dog yourself, although this is not recommended for first-time owners. If you would prefer to attempt the training yourself, first purchase a book on the specific dog breed to learn about the details about the breed, such as common likes and dislikes, and behavioral traits and tendencies. Take into account that when training dogs yourself it might not be possible to train the dog more than basic obedience and house training. There are many free online resources that provide articles and expert advice on training and behavioral problems. One such resource is A1 Dogs, which provides a list of books to download or purchase.