Training Techniques for a 5 Month Old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are among the most popular dog breeds. These attractive, small dogs are highly intelligent and can be trained to do a number of complex tasks. Without proper training, however, these cute dogs can quickly become unruly monsters. It's important to start training your puppy as soon as you bring it home because puppies who receive early training are more likely to be friendly, well-behaved dogs.
  1. Socialization

    • The most important training to give your puppy is socialization. Socialization is the process of exposing your puppy to novel situations, lots of people and lots of dogs. Doing this before your dog is an adult, while making sure that every first experience is a positive one, prevents aggressive and rowdy behavior. Make sure to give your dog lots of treats every time you expose it to a new situation or person.

    Basic Training

    • You can begin training your dog to learn basic commands at a very young age. The most effective method for training a King King Charles Spaniel is reward-based clicker training. To use this approach, acquire a clicker from your local pet store. When your dog does something you've asked it to, click the clicker and then immediately give your dog a treat. The clicker helps to "mark" the good behavior so that your dog knows exactly what it is being rewarded for.

    Leash Training

    • Teaching your dog how to properly walk on a leash is vital. This is much easier to do when your puppy is small and less able to pull on the leash. Follow the same instructions for clicker training, rewarding your dog for walking politely on the leash. If your dog pulls, stop walking. Continuing to walk after your dog pulls rewards the behavior you don't want. You should never, however, jerk on your dog's leash or yell at your dog for pulling. The goal of leash training is to make your dog want to walk near you, and punishment will make your dog want to be away from you.

    Reactivity Conditioning

    • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are bred to be hunting dogs. This means that they may quickly react to rapid movement from bicycles, small animals, and even cars. As puppies they need to have this tendency trained away so that they are neither injured nor injure another animal. Place your dog on leash so that it cannot run away. Tell your dog to stay whenever an object to which it might react passes by. Lavishly praise your dog and give it treats when it doesn't react.