Things You'll Need
- Veterinarian
Take your dog to a veterinarian to determine the cause of the biting.
While aggression may cause biting, other easily remedied problems, such as physical pain, can also cause biting. Once you know the root cause, try to avoid situations that spur on the biting behavior. For example, try not to make physical contact with your dog when scared if the biting is fear induced.
Immediately tell your dog "wrong" in a stern, authoritative voice when biting behavior occurs.
Dogs recognize tone and can recognize your disapproval by voice tone and body language. An immediate verbal correction done on a consistent basis eventually teaches your dog to not bite.
Ignore your dog after any attempt to bite.
Your dog learns that positive reinforcement and attention only come when exhibiting proper behaviors.
Give positive reinforcement when your dog exhibits good behavior.
This teaches your dog to make habits out of good behavior.