How to Train a 7-Month-Old Puppy

When you get a new puppy, it is an instant member of the family. Along with love and attention, your puppy requires a great deal of care, guidance and training. Whatever its age when you bring the new puppy home, you can enforce good behavior through patience and positive training. Your puppy wants to please you and training will create a well-mannered canine member of the family.


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      Place your puppy in a crate whenever you are away from home or inattentive to its needs. A crate is the best potty training tool for puppies. Get one that is just large enough for a comfy bed and a snuggle toy. Puppies most often will not soil their bed.

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      Walk or carry your puppy immediately outside when removed from the crate. As soon as the puppy relieves itself, give it a small treat and a lot of verbal praise. You want to reinforce to your puppy that was the appropriate behavior.

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      Pick up your puppy's food dish once meal time is over. Immediately take your dog out to defecate. Once done, reward puppy as before with treats and praise. If it appears that your puppy is not ready, play some puppy games for about 30 minutes and return outside again.

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      Plan a regular potty schedule such as when coming out of the crate, as soon as you get up each morning, just before bed, when you are leaving home, when you return and at least once every couple of hours when you are at home.

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      Attach a leash to your puppy's collar or harness for leash training and let the puppy drag it around just to get used to the feel of the leash. Give your puppy a treat and praise for getting used to the leash. The next step is to pick up the leash loosely and when your puppy makes a few steps, give a reward. When the puppy pulls or refuses to walk, stand still without a reward. Be patient with your puppy as more and more steps are accomplished on the leash, followed with great rewards.

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      Teach your puppy to sit. Begin while facing your puppy with treats in your right hand. Say the word "sit" while lifting a hand with the treat and if necessary, gently pushing down on the puppy's rear to get it in a seated position. It may take several times to accomplish the desired behavior. Do not give the reward until your puppy sits.

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      Proceed with commands such as lay, come and stay by giving the command to your puppy while using hand signals, treats and a whole lot of praise.