How to Train a Brittany Puppy

Brittanys make good pets, show dogs and hunting companions. They learn easily once you have their respect and attention, but need to have commands reiterated on a regular basis so they don't forget what they have learned. While you can train a Brittany for most basic tasks such as house training by yourself, professional help can be useful to train the dog to do more complicated tasks, like retrieving birds on a hunt.


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      Use patience and repetition. When you are house training, take your puppy outside after every meal, drink of water, nap, overnight sleep, or play time. Let the dog know where it is permissible to go the bathroom, and be sure to praise your puppy ("Good dog!") each time he is successful. Repeat the same actions and commands every time you work with your Brittany to help the puppy remember them. Do not get angry if the dog doesn't pick something up the first, or even 50th, time. Just remain patient and keep repeating your actions and commands.

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      Begin with training sessions that last no more than five minutes. Brittanys, especially puppies, are high-energy dogs that like to be active, so holding their attention for long periods of time can be difficult. As they grow older and their attention span grows longer, you can extend training sessions to 30 minutes or more.

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      Use positive reinforcement. Brittanys are sensitive to their masters and want their approval. If you earn their trust and love, they will be more willing to do what you want because they want to please you. Give them positive reinforcement with praise and treats when they do something correctly. Do not scold or spank them when they do something wrong; instead, firmly correct their behavior and positively reinforce it when they do it correctly the next time.