How to Potty Train a Miniature Yorkie Around 10 Months Old

Among the tiniest of dogs, the Yorkshire terrier is classified in the American Kennel Club's toy group and is one of the top ten most popular breeds in the United States. The average weight of an adult Yorkie is approximately 7 pounds, although some may be smaller. These smaller dogs are often referred to as "teacup" or "miniature" Yorkies, although they are not a breed of their own. A fearless Yorkie pup may not realize how small it is and can be easily injured. You should use gentle and positive training techniques to train a 10-month-old Yorkie puppy.

Things You'll Need

  • To potty train a miniature Yorkie, you will need the following:
  • Dog treats
  • Leash
  • Collar
  • Dog crate
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    • 1

      Crate train your Yorkie puppy, using treats to lure it into the crate. Hide the treats inside its bed or blanket to convince it to go inside the crate. Give it time to get used to the crate before attempting to lock it inside, or you risk making your Yorkie afraid of the confinement. Using a crate will help keep your Yorkie puppy from having accidents in the house while you are away; animals do not like to sleep and potty in the same place.

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      Correct your Yorkie when it has an accident by interrupting it with a noise. Never hit or punish your Yorkie. You risk injuring your puppy because of its small size, and harsh punishments can create fear in your Yorkie. Fear leads to other behavior problems (such as aggression) and slows down the potty training process. After you interrupt it, rush it outside and reward it with treats and praise for going potty in the yard instead.

    • 3

      Take your Yorkie outside every 2 or 3 hours. These dogs have small bladders (although by 10 months of age, your Yorkie should be able to control its bladder) and deserve an opportunity to urinate frequently. Walk your Yorkie outside on a leash or carry it to the same spot every time. Encourage it to "potty."

    • 4

      Reward your Yorkie puppy with treats and praise when it potties outside. Keep a pocket full of treats whenever you take your puppy outside. Using praise rather than punishment will help you teach your Yorkie that there are acceptable places to go, and that some places, such as your house, are not appropriate.