How to Train My Dog to Stop Chasing Cats

Training a dog not to chase something running away from it, especially a cat, is difficult. The dog possesses a natural instinct to chase after things, and natural instincts are hard to bring under control. There are ways to train a dog to be more reliable around other animals. With patience and hard work, this difficult task can be accomplished.

Things You'll Need

  • Collar
  • Leash
  • Dog treats
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      Sit with your dog and cat so that you can monitor their behavior. Don't leave them alone together until you are confident that the problem is solved. Relax yourself to bring calm to the situation.

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      Put a collar and leash on the dog so you can control it if it lunges or starts chasing the cat.

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      Say "no" or "leave it" in a firm, commanding voice if the dog starts acting as if it wants to chase the cat.

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      Reward the dog with praise and a food treat when it obeys your command. Also reward the dog when it is acting calm and not bothering the cat.

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      Practice diligence. It will most likely take many repetitions and corrections before your dog stops chasing the cat. Even then, you might not achieve total success.