Hide and Seek
Teach your dog to find you wherever you are. Put your dog in a sit-stay and take a few steps away. Call your dog, using its name, or the command, "come." When the dog comes, give your dog treats and praise. Put your dog in a sit-stay and lengthen your distance. This time, crouch behind something and call your dog. When your dog comes and finds you, praise it and give it a treat. Vary the places that you "hide" and call your dog. If, at any time, your dog can't find you, reveal yourself and call your dog so your pet is successful.
Find the Treat
Find the Treat is a game that works on stay, focus, direction and release. The idea is for you to hide the treat and then have your dog find it, thus getting the reward. The first few times, you will have to put your dog in sit-stay, "hide" the treat in front of the dog, and then release the dog with an "OK" command. As your dog learns to search for the treat in plain sight, start "hiding" it in unlikely places and eventually conceal the treat. Always show the dog the treat if the dog can't "find" it when released.
A great game dogs love is the "trade" game. When your dog has something in his mouth (a toy or ball), try offering a treat in trade. Say your dog's name and the word "trade," and show him the prize. Make sure it's something really tasty. When your dog drops the other item to take the treat, praise him and then, if the item is acceptable, give it back to your dog. This teaches your dog to give up items and also to come to you.
Watch Me
The "Watch Me" game develops your dog's focus. Get your dog's attention with a treat and bring it right between your eyes. Say "Watch me!" When your dog make's eye contact, praise your dog and give your pet a treat. Try doing "Watch Me!" during unusual times and doing fun things. Your dog will learn to be attentive and even come when you give the "Watch me!" command.