How to Potty Train a Pekingese

The Pekingese is a small, intelligent breed of dog that is suitable for apartment life. It is important for you to be patient and consistent when potty training your Pekingese, which can be more challenging to train than some other breeds, according to the American Kennel Club. You can set your dog up for success by beginning the training as early as possible, at eight weeks of age.

Things You'll Need

  • Pretreated paper
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      Confine your Pekingese to one room when you first bring it home to prevent the dog from making messes all over the house. Purchase pretreated papers from your pet store, and use these to cover the floor in one corner of the room. These papers can help in potty training because they give off a scent that will encourage the dog to pass waste on them.

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      Place your Pekingese on the papers when it wakes up and after it eats a meal, because these are the times when the dog is most likely to relieve itself. Spend lots of time with your Pekingese and watch out for behavior such as sniffing the ground and walking in circles, because this can mean that the dog is looking for a place to go. Reward your dog for using the paper by giving lots of verbal praise. If you catch your dog going in the wrong area, say "no" in a firm voice, immediately move the dog to the papers, and praise it if it finishes going in the correct area. Avoid punishing your Pekingese if you do not catch it in the act, because it will not associate the scolding with the action if it happened more than 30 seconds earlier, according to

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      Move the scented papers to an area outdoors where your Pekingese will feel secure while relieving itself. Choose an area where the dog can relieve itself without being seen by other dogs and that is easy for your dog to get to. Take your dog to the new area regularly, say "go potty" when it successfully goes in the area, and then give lots of verbal praise. Remove the paper once the dog is used to going in the specified area.