How to Train Your Dog to Come on Command

Training a dog to come probably the most important command you can teach him; you may someday safe his life by calling him away from danger, such as running across a road while a car is coming. Consistency is the key; dogs learn by associating behavior with a positive or negative consequence. Teach your dog that if he comes on command, he will have positive consequences in the form of a treat; soon, he happily will come to you every time you call.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
  • Treats
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    • 1
      Start your dog out on a leash so he doesn't wander off.

      Hook your dog up to a leash, and take him outside to an area that is not overly distracting.

    • 2

      Let your dog behave normally. Say the command "Come" in a friendly tone, and immediately give a gentle tug on the leash to bring the dog over to you. Reward the dog with positive attention (Say, "Good dog!") and a treat. Allow the dog to return to sniffing at the end of the leash, and repeat this process.

    • 3

      During your next training session, take your dog to a more distracting area and repeat the command and reward process. This eventually will teach the dog to come even when involved in a fun activity, such as exploring or playing.

    • 4

      When you are confident that your dog understands the command (once you no longer have to tug on the leash), return to the non-distracting environment. Take the dog off the leash and repeat the command with positive feedback and a treat.

    • 5

      Test your dog's obedience in a more distracting environment. Eventually, discontinue the treats, but continue to be consistent with rewards such as petting, and praise.