What Are the Pros & Cons of Remote Collars for Dogs?

A common way to train dogs is by remote collar, also known as an electric or shock collar. When the dog is wearing a remote collar, the owner can correct its behavior from a distance by delivering an irritating electric pulse to the dog. Remote collars are especially useful with dogs that are deaf or have a hard time picking up voice commands. Use of dog collars is a popular method of training but is associated with disadvantages as well as benefits.
  1. Pro: Fast Behavior Improvement

    • The conventional way to correct a dog's barking, jumping or digging is to remove it from the activity and tell it "no." Remote collars provide an additional incentive to stop unwanted behavior. When the collar is triggered, it gently vibrates. If the owner continues to trigger the collar, it delivers an electric shock. The dog begins to associate the shock with inappropriate behavior and to learn. Over time, the warning vibration causes the dog to stop what its doing to avoid the more painful shock. Eventually, the collar helps it understand what is appropriate and what is non-appropriate behavior.

    Pro: Control

    • It's common for dogs to feel they're in control when separated from their owner, which can occur in the backyard. This can lead to misbehaving. While it's important for dogs to get exercise and have fun, it's equally important they know the owner is still in charge. Triggering the shock collar during such times reminds the dog the owner is still watching and paying attention. This helps dogs become more obedient as they grow older.

    Con: Harm

    • According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), remote collars can cause dogs to suffer from physical pain and injuries ranging from burns to heart defects. Anxiety and displaced aggression can also be side effects of this training method. No two animals are the same. Pain tolerances vary, so a shock that might seem mild to one animal can be painful to another. Additionally, PETA notes that electronic collars can malfunction, which could result in non-stop shocks that cause even greater harm.

    Con: Expense

    • A disadvantage of remote collars is that they're expensive, especially considering your dog will be wearing the collar for only limited periods of time. Remote collars can cost hundreds of dollars, which is significant because teaching your dog commands and discouraging inappropriate behavior the conventional way is free. Furthermore, most remote collars are powered by rechargeable batteries. The batteries typically last for only 48 to 72 hours, so they have to be charged frequently.