How to Use Classical Conditioning to Train Dogs

Classical conditioning has been used for many years to train dogs and was first introduced by Ivan Pavlov, according to Pavlov used classical conditioning to have a dog relate a bell to food. When the dog heard the bell, he salivated without the sight or smell of food. This method can be used to train dogs with positive reinforcement. Teaching your dog simple exercises will determine if your dog is a good candidate for classical conditioning.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
  • Bell
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      Placing a bell at the door will aid in classical conditioning.

      Place a bell at the door where you take the dog out. You may also place the bell on a string and place the string on the doorknob.

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      Ring the bell every time you take the dog outside to eliminate. The goal is to associate the bell with going and successfully eliminating outside. Praise the dog and give a treat after eliminating outside. This may take several days for the dog to associate going outside with the ringing sound. Do not use the bell for anything else but going outside at this time. It may confuse the dog if the bell is used for different activities.

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      Touch the bell to the dog's nose and allow it to ring the bell. Do this several times to teach the dog you are allowing it to have some control over going outside. The dog will learn that it will go outside when the bell is rung. Reward the dog with a treat after successfully eliminating outside.

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      Use the same technique with other activities you wish the dog to perform. Command the dog to complete a task and give a treat every time. The dog will associate each command with a treat and perform the duties. The dog is conditioned to do what is commanded by positive reinforcement.