How to Keep a Dog From Leaving Bowel Movements in Yard

Dog owners have a responsibility to clean up their dogs' messes in parks and neighborhoods, but it is possible to keep your dog from leaving feces all over your yard. This will eliminate the possibility of stepping in feces as well as streamline the cleanup process for you. Simple training techniques accompanied with consistent teaching will help you train your dog not to go all over the yard and instead eliminate in one designated spot.

Things You'll Need

  • Short dog leash (6 feet)
  • Dog treats (optional)
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    • 1

      Hook a short leash to your dog and take her outside when she acts like she has to go. Take her to a specific spot where you prefer she go on a regular basis.

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      Praise the dog and/or give her a treat for going in that spot.

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      Repeat this process several times (maybe even for a few weeks).

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      Accompany your dog outside without using the leash. Ensure that she continues to go in the designated area.

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      Tell your dog "no" if she does poop in a non-designated area.