Give your dog some interaction with other dogs at a very early age. Puppies 8 weeks and older can start being around other dogs in social situations, such as at a dog park.
Enroll your dog in an obedience class. This is a great way to expose your dog to other dogs and people, and the trainer will also teach your dog proper behaviors around other dogs.
Introduce your dog to other dogs in areas where neither dog will feel territorial, such as a local park.
Increase the time your dog spends around other dogs gradually if you could not start when it was a puppy. Start with just a few minutes. Increase the time by several minutes with each encounter. Eventually, your dog will become used to the presence of other dogs.
Watch for signs of aggression and misbehavior around other dogs. These include growling, baring teeth, hairs standing up, staring at another dog and walking with stiff legs. If you see any of these behaviors, separate your dog from the other dogs and distract it. For example, you can give your dog a simple command and then reward with praise and a tasty treat while the other owner or owners do the same. Once your dog is no longer misbehaving, you can bring it back around the other dogs.
Reward your dog with praise and treats when behaving well around other dogs. Positive reinforcement is the best training method for helping your dog behave around other dogs, and punishment can lead to worse behaviors, including increased aggression around dogs and people.
How to Help Your Dog Behave With Other Dogs
When you have a dog, there are some behavioral issues that might come up. For example, your dog might have a difficult time getting along with other dogs. If this is the case, you are not stuck with this antisocial behavior. There are things you can do to help your dog behave with other dogs. With enough work and effort, your dog might even start to enjoy time spent around other dogs in your neighborhood and at the local dog park.