Easy Ways to House Train Dogs

One of the first responsibilities of a dog owner is training a dog to relieve itself outside. Teaching this to your dog requires patience and consistency. There are many methods you can use to convey proper behavior to your dog so that it eventually understands.
  1. Crate Training

    • One popular and effective way to housebreak a dog is to use crate training. Dogs are natural den animals; they will not urinate where they sleep. Due to this, a dog is not likely to relieve itself in the crate. You can use this as a method to teach a dog to wait. Take the dog outside immediately upon letting it out of the crate, and reward it for going potty outside. With repetition, this action will be understood by your dog as a positive behavior.

    Verbal Cues

    • Verbal cues are key in housebreaking dogs. You should have a word that your dog understands to mean going outside, such as "Outside." The dog eventually will respond to this by heading to the door. Once you are outside, you should have a specific word, such as "potty," for when your dog is in the act. At first, just use the word when your dog begins to go. Gradually the dog will understand it as a command and speed up the process.


    • The key to training any dog or puppy is the reward. The reward should be both a verbal reward (a positive term, such as a high-pitched "Yes!") along with a treat. Choose a treat the dog really enjoys and reward the dog immediately for going outside. This will teach the dog that the behavior earns a reward. Punishing incorrect behavior is much less effective than rewarding correct behavior.

    Handling Accidents

    • While housebreaking your dog, be aware that accidents will happen. The way that you handle these accidents is key to successful housebreaking. If you catch your dog in the act of going potty inside, use a negative term (such as "No!") while the dog is in the act. Take the dog outside immediately. This will reinforce the idea that the dog is supposed to do its business outside. If you see a mess, but you did not catch your dog in the act, do not punish your dog. The dog will not remember the deed. Punishing them after the fact is ineffective.