Tips on Housetraining a Puppy

Housetraining your puppy is an important step in her development, and essential for most living situations. Puppies are smart and can quickly learn the places and times that they can eliminate. Housetraining your puppy requires consistency and attention, but can be a smooth transition with a few simple tactics.
  1. Have a Routine

    • Establishing a routine with your puppy is an important key to successful housetraining. By having a routine, your puppy will begin to associate certain places and times with eliminating in the proper spot. Take your puppy to his bathroom spot after waking up, before naps, shortly after eating and before bed. Say the same phrase every time you take your puppy to the bathroom --- something like "go potty" will work. For every month of age, your puppy can control his bladder for 1 hour. To avoid accidents, make sure you give your puppy potty breaks often enough for his age.

    Pick a Spot

    • For successful housetraining, picking a bathroom spot goes hand in hand with establishing a routine for your puppy. Regardless of where you want your puppy to go, take her directly to the bathroom spot at each bathroom break and say your bathroom phrase. If your puppy has an accident inside, try to interrupt her with a noise. Take your puppy to her bathroom spot immediately, and praise her if she finishes eliminating there. Do not punish your puppy, and be sure to clean the area well. Save the soiled cloth from cleaning and put it on the bathroom spot. The odors from the cloth will remind your puppy where to eliminate.

    Positive Reinforcement

    • Praise your puppy every time he eliminates at the bathroom spot. Playing games, treats or extra time with toys are all appropriate ways to do this. Refrain from letting your puppy play at the bathroom spot, especially before eliminating. Doing so will confuse your puppy and undermine other acts of positive reinforcement.

    Food and Water

    • Your puppy's food and water schedule should also coincide with her routine. Puppies usually need to eat 3 to 4 times a day. Feeding your puppy at the same times every day will help her to eliminate at consistent times as well. Pick up your puppy's water dish 2 1/2 to 3 hours before bedtime to reduce the chance that she will need to eliminate during the night.