How to Train Yellow Labradors

Labradors are highly intelligent and trainable.(Reference 1, pg. 102) In fact, they are often trained to hunt, track, lead the blind and work as search and rescue dogs.(Reference 2, pg. 6) Training your dog will increase your bond and provide countless hours of fun for both of you.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog collar
  • Leash
  • Dog treats
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      Begin training as soon as possible. The age of 10 to 12 weeks is the right time to begin training your Labrador.

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      Be positive and patient training your dog. Labradors, unlike some other breeds, tend to mature more slowly. They act like puppies well into adulthood so patience is a must. This breed will not respond to harsh training methods.

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      Be consistent. Use the same word or hand signal for each command. For instance, if you use the stay command, always say "stay" when you desire this behavior. Don't use "stay," "halt" or "stop" interchangeably and expect the dog to understand what you want.

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      Reward your Labrador for appropriate responses. Reward him with food or praise. Labs love praise most of all. However, do not overpraise the Labrador. This tends to confuse the dog and can make training more difficult. When you reward the dog for doing the right thing, your Lab will want to keep doing the right thing.

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      Use repetition. Keep going over commands again and again to make sure your dog really understands each command you ask.

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      Be consistent with your training. Plan on spending 10 to 15 minutes each day training your dog.