Tips, Hints & Best Ways to Train English Pointers

English pointers are popular dogs to accompany hunters because they are obedient while in the field. Unlike the English retriever, which chases after game and retrieves the game after it has been shot, the pointer will only get excited and lunge toward the area of game.
  1. Basics

    • If you are training your pointer for hunting, give it commands from an early age that can also relate to hunting. "Leave it," for example, could be used to refer to your child's toy or to a wild animal. While it might not respond, it will be easier to train your dog in the future if it becomes somewhat familiar with what you are saying when it is a puppy. Whether you intend to train your pointer for hunting or not, basic orders are needed both while hunting and while at home. Always ensure your dog walks behind or beside you. This is especially important for high-energy pointers, which need to be controlled while hunting or at home. This shows you are in charge.


    • English pointers have a tremendous amount of energy, so it is important they get a couple hours of exercise every day. They are best let outside to roam in a backyard, or you can walk or jog with them during the day. The less energy they have while inside, the more easy they will be to control. If your dog is still overexcited and not obeying you, don't yell at it; designate a crate or other area for it to go to. The dog will understand your disappointment with it much more easily if you ignore it.


    • From the time your dog is a puppy, it is important to get the pointer to defecate in a designated area. This is especially important for pointers because they are classified as submissive urinators, meaning they will urinate on everything, including you and your guests. Urination among this breed is more common when they are excited or stressed. To train your pointer, you must provide him with less water than you would a dog with normal bladder control. Don't limit the water for a long period of time, only for 30 minutes to an hour when you know you will be having guests, for example.


    • English pointers are renowned for their ability to find game and let you know about it. By taking your dog out with other trained English pointers and their hunters, it will pick up and join them in their actions. When your dog performs a desired task, give it a treat. Handle your dog at all times while hunting. This doesn't mean keeping it on a leash, but make sure it is in your sight. Unlike a English retriever, a pointer won't get the game after you kill it. The dog will only get excited when there is game in the area.