How to Make All-Natural Dog Deterrent

As much as you love your dog, there are activities that you don't want it to do. You may want to keep it off your furniture, or to stop it from digging up your lawn or plants. Keeping it out of the garbage is a must, and stopping your puppy from chewing the shoes in your closet is critical. Dog deterrents come in many forms, but store-bought products may stain fabrics and contain chemicals that could harm your dog. Make your own all-natural deterrents and keep your dog from getting into trouble.

Things You'll Need

  • Citronella oil
  • Water
  • Spray bottle
  • White or cayenne pepper
  • Dog feces
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  1. Using Citrus

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      Buy a small bottle of pure Citronella oil. This is a product made from Lemongrass that, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency, "has been used for over 50 years as an insect repellent and as an animal repellent" (See References 1). It has low toxicity and is also used in anti-barking spray collars. Find it at your pharmacy or a store that sells essential oils and natural remedies.

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      Mix four fluid ounces of citronella oil with two pints of water and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the formula daily on and around the areas where you don't want the dog to go daily. Do this for at least a week. Dogs generally recoil at the scent of citrus.

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      Use the citronella mix as a safe repellent for other dogs when you are out walking your pet. If another dog shows aggression, a squirt from the spray bottle aimed at any part of the dog is likely to repel it. Try to avoid the dog's face unless the situation is serious, as it may sting the eyes.

    Other Deterrents

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      Sprinkle small amounts of finely ground white or cayenne pepper in the areas you want the dog to avoid. A dog follows its sense of smell to find the garbage or to investigate a spot where it has previously soiled. If its nose encounters pepper along the way, this will make it sneeze and burn its nostrils; it will be unable to identify the scent it is looking for and will move on to other activities.

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      Use your dog's own feces to stop digging behavior. Burying a portion in a flower bed that has caught its interest will prevent it from digging. Fill holes it has dug in your lawn with feces and then cover with soil and grass. A dog will be able to smell the feces through the covering and its natural aversion to having contact with it will prevent it from digging further.

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      White or brown vinegar can be sprinkled or sprayed in the areas you want left alone. As with the citronella mixture, this needs to be refreshed daily to ensure the scent remains strong enough to repel the dog. Follow up with pepper for maximum effect.