Dog Training: How to Make a Dog Hit a Bell

Potty training a dog can be very tiresome and requires a great deal of patience. One way to avoid cleaning up unwanted messes is to teach your dog to ring a bell when it needs to go outside. Children and adults can both utilize this method of potty training, as it is fairly easy. You just have to be patient and consistent and you will see results.

Things You'll Need

  • Bell
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      Find the right kind of bell for your dog. Make sure it is a "dog bell," or a bell designed for the specific purpose of training a dog. You can find these bells online, at your local pet store, or in the pet section, if there is one, of your local grocery store. Make sure the bell is not too heavy for your dog.

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      Hang the bell somewhere where it is easy for your dog to reach. If it cannot reach the bell, it will not use it. A door knob is an ideal spot, if it is not too high up for the dog. For smaller puppies, you could place the bell on a baby gate or whatever barrier you have to keep the dog from going into unwanted areas. Hanging it on banister could work, too. Whatever spot you choose, be sure not to move the belll from that location. This will confuse your dog and make the dog less likely to use it.

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      Try to teach your dog to use the bell by taking it to the bell and saying "outside," or "go potty," whichever phrase you prefer. Each time you do this, gently lift your dog's paw and nudge the bell with it. If you so desire, you can teach the dog to hit the bell with its nose. Once the dog rings the bell, immediately take it outside. That way, the dog will associate ringing the bell with going outside. Repeat this process until the dog begins ringing the bell on its own.