How to Use Jingle Bells for Dog Potty Training

Potty training is not one of the most enjoyable aspects of dog ownership, but it doesn't have to be hard. One way to help the training process go smoothly is by giving your dog the tools to communicate when it needs to go outside. Bells hung from the doorknob are a helpful choice because rather than scratching or whimpering at the door, bells can be heard clearly throughout the house anytime the dog rings them.


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      Purchase a potty training bell from a pet store, or make your own by buying some small bells from a craft store and attaching them to a length of rope or thick string. If you have a small dog, be sure that the bells will hang low enough when attached to a doorknob so that your dog can reach them with its nose.

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      Show your dog that touching the bells with its nose is a good thing. Hold the bells close to its face and say a command such as "touch." The dog will likely try to sniff the bells; as soon as its nose touches them, praise the dog and give it a treat. Once the dog is touching the bells consistently, begin holding the bells a bit farther away from the dog's face so it has to turn or walk toward the bells to touch them. It may take up to a week of daily practice for your dog to master this.

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      Attach the bells to the knob of whichever door you will be using to take the dog outside. Continue to practice the "touch" command, and reward your dog with praise and treats when it walks to the door and touches the bells.

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      Use the "touch" command every time you take your dog out to go to the bathroom. When the dog touches the bells, give praise and immediately open the door to take the dog outside.

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      Continue asking the dog to touch the bells when it's time to go out. Soon, the dog will learn that when it does this, it gets to go outside, and it will use the bells on its own to let you know when it has to go to the bathroom.