Place the crate in a room where your family spends a lot of time. Put a blanket or towel on the floor of the crate to make it comfortable. Remove the door and let the dog go in and out as it pleases.
Place treats in front and inside the crate to encourage the dog to go in. You can also put his favorite toys inside. Once the dog is familiar with the crate, put the door back on.
Feed the dog his regular meals inside the crate. Place the dish in the back of the crate. Close the door while he is eating. Let the dog out as soon as he finishes his meal. Repeat for each meal.
Call the dog to the crate and use a command such as "kennel." Point inside the crate. Praise him after he enters the crate and give him a treat. Close the door, and sit quietly nearby for about five to ten minutes. Leave the room for a few minutes and then return. After a few minutes, let your dog out of the crate. Repeat several times a day while gradually increasing his time in the crate.
Leave the dog in the crate during the night or while you are gone. If your dog is a puppy, set a timer to wake you every three hours during the night so you can take him outside. Remain calm when you return to the crate so he does not get overexcited. Carry the puppy outside immediately and encourage him to eliminate. Praise him after he does.
Take the puppy outside every three or four hours during the day. Encourage him to go to the bathroom outside, using a familiar command like "potty," and praise him after he does. Once the puppy is older than four months, gradually increase the amount of time between taking him outside.