Clickers in Dog Training

One of the most popular methods for training dogs uses a clicker. A small device that makes a clicking sound is used to train dogs by positive reinforcement. The dog learns to associate the clicking sound with a reward, such as a small treat. This leads to a successful training experience.
  1. Acclimation

    • The first step in clicker training is teaching the animal to associate the sound of the clicker with receiving a reward. The sound should be made only when it will be followed by a reward. Keep a supply of dog treats with the clicker. Begin the training process by showing a treat to the dog and then pressing the clicker. Give the dog a treat each time you click.


    • In order for clicker training to be successful, the dog must learn associate the sound of the clicker with a treat. Keep treats out of the dog's view until he receives one. You don't want the dog to be confused by the sequence of the clicker noise and the reward. It's also important to not allow the animal to see the clicker; the sound is what's important.

    Why it Works

    • Clicker training for dogs is a valuable training method because it allows the animal to learn behaviors quickly. The clicking sounds, followed by a reward, gives the dog incentive to follow commands. This system can work more quickly than verbal praise because it teaches the dog to immediately learn the behavior desired by the trainer. One of the main positives of clicker training is that the animal can be trained without using negative training methods or punishment.

    Keep it Positive

    • The best clicker training experiences are positive for the trainer and the dog. The trainer should not begin a training session unless the mood is right; the trainer should be in a positive frame of mind and translate this behavior to the dog that is being trained. Negative feelings will be felt by the dog and disrupt the training session. Negative feelings may lead to negative actions, which will confuse the dog and complicate the training session and those that follow.