How to Break a Puppy From Going Potty in Their Crate

Puppies: They are cute, cuddly and messy. When you bring a puppy into your home, you accept the responsibility of caring for it, and that means cleaning up its indoor accidents until it is fully housetrained. Crating your puppy can be an effective method of housetraining because, in most cases, puppies hate to have accidents where they sleep. Your pup doesn't enjoy being covered in urine or feces any more than you enjoy giving it a bath each time you come home. Some puppies aren't able to hold it, however, and urinate in their crates frequently. You can take steps to break this habit.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Create a regular feeding and potty schedule for your puppy as soon as you bring it home. Puppies that are fed at regular times of day are easier to potty train because their schedules help their systems to regulate. Let your puppy outside half an hour after feeding, immediately when you come home, just before bed and every hour or so in between until your puppy's bladder is large enough to wait for longer periods.

    • 2

      Make a loud noise to interrupt your puppy when you catch it having an accident in your house or in its crate. Don't get angry and punish your dog or you risk making it afraid of you or of urinating in your presence. When you catch your puppy in the act, simply interrupt it and rush it outside.

    • 3

      Reward your puppy for finishing its business outside. Use treats and excited praise. This lets your puppy know it did something right and gives it a chance to learn where you want it to go to the bathroom. Praise your puppy every time it goes in the yard instead of the crate. Be especially generous with your rewards if your puppy has held it for a few hours or asks to go outside on its own.

    • 4

      Let your puppy outside just before putting it in its crate. Walk it on a leash to its spot in the yard. This will help it to understand that this is a potty trip, not a play trip. Give your pup a chance to empty it bladder and bowels.

    • 5

      Hire a dog walker or ask a friend or family member to stop by and let your puppy out a few times each day, if you are unable to do so yourself. Don't leave your puppy alone in the crate for hours on end or it will have an accident.

    • 6

      Monitor your puppy's water intake before placing it in its crate. Don't restrict your puppy's access to water, but be aware of how much it consumed so that you can let it outside before locking it up. The more a puppy drinks before going in the crate, the more likely it is to have an accident.

    • 7

      Make your puppy a vet appointment if it is reliably housetrained but still soils the crate. A fully housetrained puppy can wait three or four hours between trips outside and can let you know when it needs to go out. If your puppy still has accidents in the crate, it might have a health problem that should be addressed by a vet. Behavioral issues, such as separation anxiety, can also be a factor. A vet can help you determine possible causes and find a solution.