How to Keep Dogs Out of My Garbage Can

Returning home only to find that the family dog has found its way to the nearby trash can can be both frustrating and unnerving. This undesirable dog behavior creates unwanted messes that can be a tremendous source of irritation to the dog owner. Additionally, the behavior poses a threat to the dog who could eat food that has gone bad or choke on something not intended for consumption. Fortunately, this age old problem comes with solutions that can be quickly and easily implemented to ensure that the garbage remains where it belongs -- in the trash can.

Things You'll Need

  • Soda can
  • Coins
  • Duct tape
  • Indoor training mat
  • Locking trash can
  • Snapping device
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      Drop several coins into a soda can. Seal the top of the can with duct tape. When the dog approaches the trash can, shake the can aggressively at the dog. The unpleasant sound will keep it away.

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      Place an indoor pet training mat in front of the trash can. When the dog steps on the mat it releases a harmless, but unpleasant static shock that will create an aversion to approaching the trash can.

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      Purchase a trash can that locks shut. There are several companies that design locking trash cans with the purpose of keeping garbage securely in the trash can.

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      Install a snapping device, which is similar to a mouse trap except it has a large plastic flap that will keep the dog safe from harm. When the dog begins rummaging through the trash can, the device will snap shut. The dog will be frightened and reluctant to return to the trash can.