How to Train a Puppy to Sit Using Basic Teaching Tools

Who doesn't want a trained puppy? Many pet owners will actually get rid of a puppy because of their lack of time and attention they can devote to the pet. Some pet owners assume that a puppy should just behave on its own, but like children puppies need to be taught early on in order to understand proper behavior and to act accordingly. Training a puppy to sit is one of the first lessons a dog owner should successfully accomplish.

Things You'll Need

  • Collar
  • Leash
  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Place the collar on the puppy's neck. Attach the leash to the collar. Slide the leash on your wrist. Have the treats within reachable distance.

    • 2

      Attract the puppy's attention. Show the puppy you have taken a treat out of the bag using the hand the leash is on and let him sniff the treat with your hand covering it.

    • 3

      Hold the hand with the treat above the puppy's head so that he starts to back up. Say "sit" while using your other hand to push his back end to the floor.

    • 4

      Give the puppy the treat when his back end touches the floor and he is calm.

    • 5

      Repeat this process three to five times in a row for one training session a couple times a day. Puppies are eager to learn so you can expect for him to learn this command within a week if you are consistent with the training and commands.