How to Keep Male Dogs From Spraying

You may have heard that male dogs spray urine to mark their territories. While this is partially true, there is actually much more to the behavior than that. Marking leaves a message for other dogs that pass by that simply says "I was here." A dog's sensitive nose can collect all kinds of information from the scent of urine, including the sex and size (lifting a leg makes male dogs seem bigger) of the dog that left the scent. Urine marking can be a display of dominance or can inform females in heat that a male is in the area. Unfortunately, marking is also unsanitary and unhealthy if your dog does it indoors, so you should stop the behavior as quickly as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
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      Schedule an appointment to have your male dog neutered. This is often enough to stop the problem marking. Get your male dog neutered at as young an age as possible, before marking becomes a habit.

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      Clean any marked areas thoroughly. Male dogs are likely to mark in the same place more than once if they can still smell the urine. Remember that his sensitive nose can detect a smell long after you have lost track of it. Purchase a pet pheromone cleaner from your local pet store that can help you eliminate the smell entirely.

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      Interrupt your male dog when you catch it marking in the house. Use a noise or yell that he responds to. Once you have his attention, hurry him outside. If he continues to urinate outside, reward him with praise and a treat. This helps teach him that there are proper places to mark.

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      Hire a professional trainer if you are unsuccessful at retraining your dog on your own. Urine marking is an instinctive behavior, and a trainer can help you identify the cause of it and recommend solutions. Follow the instructions your trainer gives you until you have changed your male dog's habits.