Things You'll Need
- Treats
- Leash
Toilet-train your puppy by choosing an area in the backyard for him to use as a toilet area. Set the puppy up to succeed by taking him to the designated area when he is more likely to need to pass waste. This includes after meal times or after drinking water, after an active play session and immediately after he wakes up. Puppies need to pass waste regularly, so take him out every hour to give him the chance to use the area. Use a leash to keep the puppy from wandering away from the desired area and wait with him for five minutes. If he succeeds in passing waste in the toilet area give him lots of praise. If he does not then take him back inside and return 5 or 10 minutes later to let him try again. Avoid scolding the puppy for having accidents inside the house, because his warning system is not fully developed at this stage.
Teach your puppy to come when called by encouraging him to come to you using a high pitched pleasant tone of voice. As she approaches you, say the word "come" and reward her with a treat, such as a small piece of chicken or cheese, and give the puppy lots of praise as a method of positive reinforcement.
Attach a leash to your puppy's collar to prevent him from wandering off. Take him to a quiet room where there will be fewer distractions. Hold a treat above the puppy's head and wait for him to sit down on his own. As soon as he does this say the word "sit" and give him the treat. Repeat this exercise several times and then give the command first, by saying the word once. Wait for the puppy to sit and then reward. Now hold a treat down on the ground and wait for the puppy to lie down to reach it. As he does, say the words "lie down" and give him the treat. Repeat the exercise several times and then give the command first. Wait for the puppy to lie down and reward him.
Take your puppy into the backyard to practice leash training before going out onto the street. The puppy will find it easier to focus on you where there are fewer distractions. With the leash attached, call your puppy to your side and give her a treat. Take a step forward and call her to you again and reward her when she is at your side. Now continue to walk while encouraging the puppy to walk with you. When she walks beside you without pulling say the word "heel" and reward with treats and verbal praise. If she begins to pull on the leash stop walking and wait for her to return to the correct position at your side with no tension on the leash. Then continue with the walk.