How to Stop Your Dog From Barking & Whining While You Are Gone

If your dog barks or whines when you are gone, then your pet is mostly likely suffering from symptoms of loneliness and possibly anxiety. Much like a small child who is separated from his mother, your dog does not understand why you have left and is going to express these feelings by barking and whining. Luckily, there are things you can do to relieve your dog's anxiety and hopefully salvage your relationship with the neighbors.


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      Train your dog to relax. Pretend like you are going to leave for the day. Then, before your dog starts to bark or whine, come back into the room. At first, you might only be able to leave for a few seconds, but as your dog learns that relaxed, quiet behavior is rewarded with your presence, the length of time you're gone can be extended.

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      Change up your routine. Often, your dog starts to get anxious as you go through your morning routine before you leave for the day. By the time you actually leave, your dog is already quite upset. Change up your morning routine and try to sit on the couch for several minutes before walking out the door.

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      Leave the radio on. When your dog is home alone, the quiet can cause anxiety, which leads to barking. Leaving on the radio or television can alleviate that quiet tension and calm your dog.

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      Give your dog things to do while you're away. Open the windows to give your dog something to watch. Leave behind hidden treats or toys filled with peanut butter. A dog bone that takes several hours to chew through would work well, too. The more entertained your dog is throughout the day, the less likely it will be that barking and whining occur.

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      Keep your greeting minimal. When you come home for the day, do not get excited and start praising your dog. Instead, go about your usual routine. Wait until your dog is calm and settled. Then, start giving attention, but don't overdo it. If your dog associates your return with lots of attention and fun, then it will be much more difficult to be without you when you're gone.