Things You'll Need
- Leash
- Dog crate
- Dog treats
Supervise your puppy when it is inside the house. If possible, keep it confined in the room with you. If it wanders away, you may find a mess later on. You should keep an eye on your puppy until it is fully house trained.
Create a schedule. Puppies have small bladders and need to be let outside frequently. Take your puppy outside every two or three hours. You should also feed your puppy on a regular schedule. Take it outside about a half hour after meal times. Your puppy will learn that it should do its business after it eats, and eating at the same times each day will help regulate its system. Monitor water intake as well, because a puppy that drinks a lot of water will need to go outside soon after.
Leash your puppy when you take it outside until it is reliably house trained. Walk it to a designated bathroom spot in your yard. This helps the puppy learn the difference between play time and potty time.
Confine your dog to a crate when you aren't at home. Crates can actually be a comfort to puppies, which have a natural instinct to find dens. As an added bonus, most puppies won't soil their sleeping areas, so your puppy isn't likely to have an accident in its crate when you are gone. Don't stay away more than a few hours, however, because your puppy's small bladder may not last longer than that.
Reward your puppy for relieving itself outside. Treats and praise tell your puppy that it made you happy. It will be eager to repeat the experience. If you catch your puppy having an accident in the house, interrupt it with a noise and take it outside. Reward it when it finishes its business in the yard. Rewards help you teach your puppy what you expect it to do. Punishments only teach it what it can't do.