Tips for Potty Training English Bulldog Puppies

House training an English Bulldog puppy is much the same as house training any other breed. The most important factor is consistency, and assuming the puppy has yet to develop any bad habits, house training should only take about two weeks. If your puppy has already started learning the wrong way, or if you're not consistent in your efforts, the process could take much longer. It's also a good idea to take your puppy to a veterinarian for a checkup. If he has a urinary infection or intestinal problems, quick training will be next to impossible.
  1. Proper Motivation

    • The most important tip for training your puppy is that if you don't catch your puppy in the act of soiling in the house, don't punish him for it. "Reminding" a puppy by rubbing his nose in the carpet where he urinated, or other similar methods, are not effective. In fact, your puppy will only get confused or scared. Instead, focus on positive motivation. When your puppy successfully goes in the correct place, praise him enthusiastically.

    Choose a Place

    • Choose a place where you want your puppy to eliminate. This can be a general area like the back yard, or a very specific spot, like the corner of the yard near the tree. The most important thing is that you clearly understand what the boundaries of the acceptable area are. If you understand, and you are consistent with your enforcement of the boundary, your puppy will learn it too and happily use that area whenever possible.

    Establish Routine

    • Make sure that you establish and maintain a routine when training your puppy. Create a schedule that's easy for you to stick to. Pick meal times, bed times and wake-up times for your puppy. Don't allow him to eat without supervision, or at times of his choosing, until your training is well established. Remember to take your dog outside about 10-20 minutes after eating, as well as after naps. After a few days your puppy should be able to control himself for eight hours while sleeping.

    Supervision and Confinement

    • Stay with your puppy during house training. If you give him free reign of the house, there is a good chance you will not be nearby when needed. If he is whining, or begins to squat, quickly pick him up and take him to the desired place. Do not be overly aggressive if he begins to eliminate in the house. Simply provide a firm "no" and get the puppy to his bathroom area. Use a deodorizing cleanser to clean any mess. If your puppy can smell any signs of elimination, he may think it's acceptable to repeat.