Guard Dog Training Schools

A guard dog can be a valuable protector in a home or on a farmyard. However, a guard dog can be a dangerous animal if trained improperly. Proper training can make a guard dog a security measure, and a safe and friendly animal in the right circumstances. Bad training can make a dog dangerous to all who approach it, especially if they are small or unable to protect themselves.
  1. Before School

    • Before you start thinking about guard dog training school, you need to ask yourself a few questions. Decide if you want a watchdog or a guard dog, and what type of breed you want. A watch dog is only trained to bark at intruders, while a guard dog is trained to back intruders off the property, or to attack in certain circumstances. This includes attacking invading animals for livestock guard dogs. There are many suitable breeds of guard dogs, such as rottweilers, dobermans or German shepherds.


    • When you choose a guard dog training school, you should look at each curriculum before you settle on a school. Dogs should be trained to be social and friendly and very safe for the family or children to be around. However, they should also have a strong protective instinct so that they know where their territory is, and when it is appropriate to be hostile to intruders. This includes social skills so that the dog is friendly to other dogs when being walked or when in other social situations. You can also look for specialized schools that offer Schutzhund training for German Shepherd dogs.


    • The quality of the instructor or head instructor at a guard dog school is important. Look for schools with teachers who have written well-received books on the topic of dog training, or those with impressive references. For example, dog trainers who work with police dogs shows that the police department trusts them to train their animals. You can always ask a trainer to provide references. Speak to people with protection-trained animals to get feedback on the trainer's success.

    Finding a School in Your Area

    • Most major metropolitan areas have several training schools, but you will have to look for one that offers the type of training that you're interested in. Look for services like "guard dog" training, "family protection" training or "home security" dog training. Talking to dog breeders in your area is a good way to get referrals to high-quality training programs. If a trainer doesn't teach specific guard dog classes, they may still be able to help you with your animal's socialization skills while you search for more specialized training.