Dog Training Schools in the Northeast

The task of finding a suitable dog training school can be tricky. If your dog is exhibiting behavioral problems, taking it to a training school might be the right thing to do. When you are going to a dog training school for the first time, the experienced trainers will train the dog and demonstrate how you can maintain those training habits at home. If you live in the Northeast, you will not have a problem finding a training school for your dog.
  1. Northeast Dog Trainer Posse

    • The Northeast Dog Trainer Posse is a group of dog training schools in Connecticut, Amherst, Massachusetts and the greater Boston area. The trainers at each school use positive reinforcement to train the dogs with rewards and clickers.

    Babette Haggerty's School for Dogs

    • The Babette Haggerty School for Dogs is in New York City. This training school has an obedience program that is easy for the owners and fun for the dogs. It offers group obedience training sessions and individual sessions. Babette Haggerty's School for Dogs also provides in-home training and training for puppies.

    Northeast School for Dogs

    • Trainers at the Northeast School for Dogs employ a positive method, using encouragement as motivation. They walk every dog, played with them and give them individual attention. Each dog is evaluated before their training sessions begin. The evaluation will determine the behavior of the dog and where the dog will start in training. The Northeast School for Dogs is in Oxford, Massachusetts.

    Look What I Can Do Dog Training

    • Look What I Can Do Dog Training is in Middletown, Delaware. This dog training school works closely with the dog and the owner to figure out why the animal is behaving inappropriately. Look What I Can Do Dog Training provides in-home sessions, puppy consultation, socialization classes and behavior modification. The trainers will also teach the owners how to maintain the training methods.