The Best Types of Whistles for Dog Training

Having a dog is a big responsibility, mostly if its a large breed or a breed that has aggressive tendencies. To enjoy the company of your pup it is important to socialize it and train it properly, which requires time and patience. Dog whistles are tools you can use to train a dog. The best dog whistle you can use to train your dog depends on your specific training needs.
  1. Significance

    • A dog training whistle emits a high-pitch sound that ranges between 16 and 22 kHz. Generally, the human ear cannot detect the sound originating from dog whistles that emit a pitch above 20 kHz. Also known as Galton's whistle or silent whistle, a dog whistle for training can be manufactured in various shapes, but its function is to ultimately assist you with your dog training sessions.


    • A dog whistle helps you in various areas of the training process. For instance, if you are at the park and your dog is far from where you are, a dog whistle can efficiently communicate with your dog over large distances because you won't have to shout your commands and be disruptive. The consistency of a dog whistle's tone is also helpful because the human voice is generally influenced by emotion, or it changes depending on the person who is giving the command.


    • There are three dog whistle types: the electronic dog whistle, the lung-powered dog whistle and the hunting whistle. The electronic whistle is a handheld device that doesn't require blowing. Instead, you simply press a button to use it. The lung-powered dog whistle is the one you blow into to emit the sound. The majority of lung-powered dog whistles are silent with the exception of the hunting whistle. The hunting whistle is like the pea whistle and it emits a trilling noise.


    • Before you select a dog whistle, it is important to consider what you want to achieve through training. For instance, if you are looking to hunt with your dog, the hunting whistle is the best type of whistle for you. If you are working on teaching your dog commands and you will be in a public area where people will be present, a silent whistle is a good and responsible choice. It's also a durable whistle. The electronic whistle can also be used to train commands, but its reach doesn't go as far as the lung-powered silent whistle. If you are trying to train a dog that barks excessively or has aggression problems, the electronic whistle is a good option because the powerful frequency it emits commands your dog's attention.