A Dog's Space
When you provide your dog with personal space in a crate, you give the dog a place where it can feel safe and comfortable within the home. This can be especially beneficial for families with children because it can give the dog a place where it can rest without interaction with the family. Consider making a rule that when the dog goes into the crate, the family leaves the dog alone until it reemerges from the crate.
Because a dog will not want to soil its crate, you can use crate training in conjunction with house-training. When you keep your dog in its crate for periods of time, you can teach your dog that when you remove it from the crate, it is time to relieve itself outside. Your dog will learn the routine of going outside for toileting and you can also help the dog learn bladder and bowel control by keeping it in the crate for periods of time.
Dog Control
Use the crate to control your dog's behavior and access to the house. The crate can keep your dog controlled when you cannot supervise your dog's activities, both when you are home and when you are away. Place your dog in the crate during parties and times when you have company to make sure your dog does not misbehave.
Veterinarian Care and Kennels
When a dog feels comfortable in a crate, it will better tolerate veterinarian visits. This is especially significant if the dog must spend time at the veterinarian due to illness or injury. Because crating will be necessary for the dog at the veterinarian office, a crate-trained dog will not find this stressful. A crate-trained dog will also be able to rest more easily in a crate during a recovery period. A crate-trained dog will also tolerate kennel confinement more easily if you must leave your dog in a kennel.
A crate-trained dog is easier to transport because the crate will confine the dog. If you travel with your dog, a crate will make it easier to transport and contain your dog in strange places and different environments.
What Are the Pros of Crate Training?
When you get a new puppy or dog, you might consider crate training the dog as part of house and obedience training you use to control the dog's behavior. As you explore this dog-training method, learn about the pros of crate training to see how dogs and owners can benefit from this style of dog training.