Suggestions for Crate Training

A crate becomes a den for your dog when you're not home. When used as a form of training, a crate can help prevent your dog from having unwanted accidents. Crates come in three forms: wire pens, fabric pens or plastic. Choose which type you intend to use for your dog prior to the training process.
  1. Crate Selection

    • If you use a metal crate, ensure that the crate has a removable floor pan. This makes cleanup easier if an accident occurs. Consider using a metal crate for training a puppy, since puppies tend to bite through the plastic and fabric pens. Use a crate large enough for your dog to turn around in, but not large enough for it to soil one side and then retreat to the other side, suggests The Humane Society.

    Crate Introduction

    • Put the crate in an area of your home that is used frequently, recommends the Champaign County Humane Society, so your dog can become familiar with its crate without becoming stressed. Leave toys or treats inside the crate to help coax it into the crate. Feeding your dog inside the crate may also make crate introduction easier. Do not force your dog into the crate, which can cause issues such as refusing crate training.

    Crate Training

    • Initially, allow your dog to stay in its crate for 30 minutes to become accustomed to crating. Once your dog can stay in its crate without whining, you can extend the time. However, dogs shouldn't stay in a crate for more than two to four hours at a time. You can place a blanket and toys within the crate. However, leave food and water out of the crate, states the website Keep the crate by your bedside at night to keep your dog from feeling isolated.


    • Praise your dog when it doesn't whine or make accidents in its crate. Associate a command word with the crate, such as "kennel." When you point your hand to the crate and say the command word, your dog will begin to associate the two things. When you leave your home and crate your dog, don't make the departure a long one.This will increase your dog's anxiety. If your dog whines at night when it is inside its crate, take it outside to relieve itself, but don't play with the dog. Then return your dog to its crate.