How to Train Agressive Dogs

Owning a dog can be a wonderful opportunity to experience companionship and responsibility. And the one thing that all dog owners will have to deal with is training their animals to be obedient. Aggression in dogs is a fairly common trait that can develop during any stage of their lives. If you have a dog that has aggression problems, it is very important that you deal with the matter immediately, for the safety of others as well as yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
  • Training collar
  • Dog treats
  • Dog toy
  • Dog food
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    • 1

      Figure out what it is that causes your dog to act aggressively. For some dogs this may be people or other dogs. Another common reasons dogs may act aggressively is if something is taken away from them like food or one of their favorite toys.

    • 2

      Introduce a safe word to your dog. This will be key in letting your dog know to calm down when the word is said. Common phrases that most dog owners will use are 'stop', 'easy' or 'leave it'. Once you have decided on what you want to say to your dog, gain its attention with a treat. As you give your dog the treat say your safe word. Do this process several times.

    • 3

      Say your safe word to gain your dog's attention. If it acts obedient and is anticipating a treat, this means that it is starting to pick up on the safe word. If not, then keep repeating step two.

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      Leash your dog and bring whatever it is that may cause it react aggressively. If it is another dog or person, this would best be done in an open area. Have the person or animal walk by. As your dog begins acting aggressively, say your safe word. You may have to do several attempts in order to get your dog's full attention. Once it reacts to the safe word give it a treat. Continue practicing this a few more times.

    • 5

      Put food or a favorite toy by your dog if it gets aggressive when things are taken away from it. As it begins enjoying itself carefully attempt to reach down for the item. As the dog begins growling, say your safe word and then reward your pup with a treat if it stops acting aggressively. Over time you should be able to get closer and closer to its favorite toy or food. Eventually your dog should allow you to pick up whatever you may need to without being aggressive, as long as you use your code word.