Questions About Puppy Potty Training

Potty training is a normal process for all pet owners which shows your puppy the proper place to relieve itself. Most dogs will refrain from soiling the area where they eat and sleep. Your job is to show your dog the proper place for potty relief. Some dogs are easily trained, while others will be more difficult.
  1. Should I Paper Train My Puppy?

    • Spreading out newspapers teaches a puppy that there is a specific place that is acceptable for relieving itself. This is just one step of many, transitioning the puppy to eventually going outside.

    Do I Have to Go Outside to Watch My Puppy Go Potty?

    • It is imperative that you do take your puppy outside to guide or carry it to the acceptable place for potty. This should preferably be a grassy area or an area where other dogs have gone recently. The scent of other dogs will encourage the puppy to do the same.

    When Should I Take My Puppy Outside?

    • Most often, it is important to take the puppy out first thing in the morning, after each meal time, as soon as you come home from being away and before going to bed at night. Other times might be when you notice your puppy is playing and suddenly gets restless.

    What Happens if My Puppy Has Indoor Accidents?

    • All puppies will have accidents inside. It's best to be consistent, persistent and patient, and to refrain from scolding or hitting the puppy. Continually take the puppy outside while talking to it with one or two word commands like "go potty," and when it does, use a lot of praise and even offer a small treat. The puppy will eventually learn that going outside gets rewards and is the right thing to do.

    Should I Leash the Puppy When Going Outside?

    • Leashing is the easiest way to control your puppy when potty training. This way you can guide the dog to the acceptable place to relieve itself, coax the dog with words to go potty and follow through immediately with a treat and a lot of praise.

    When Will I Know My Puppy is Housebroken?

    • You will know that your puppy is housebroken when accidents are infrequent or nonexistent. You will also know you have achieved success when you command the puppy to go out and relieve itself and the puppy does so. Soon your puppy will either bark, scratch or circle at the door to let you know it has to go outside. These are all signs that your puppy is housebroken.