How to Teach Your Dog 100 English Words

Training your dog to understand and respond to verbal commands can help keep him happy and safe. By teaching your dog the meaning of words such as, "stay," "come," or "stop," you can prevent his accidental injury or death. You can also teach your dog to identify personal items, such as slippers or the newspaper. The more words that he recognizes, the more potential rewards for both of you.

Training requires patience and time, but with a few smart steps, you can start enjoying a more fulfilling relationship with your dog.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Start early. Dogs can be trained when they are as young as seven or eight weeks old.

    • 2

      Be consistent. Always use the same commands.

    • 3

      Keep it simple. Your dog will learn simple commands more quickly. Simple words can form the basis for more complicated commands as your dog progresses in its training.

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      Speak in a loud, clear, authoritative voice.

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      Use hand motions to emphasize your command.

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      Gently direct your dog to the sit position, for example, or the down position. There are many sites online available to help you learn effective training techniques to accompany verbal commands. Point to desired objects. Speak the command. Repeat.

    • 7

      Use positive reinforcement. Lots of petting and treats will keep your dog happy.

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      Spend 15-20 minutes several times a day working with your dog on his tricks.

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      Continue to use the same words consistently. Do not stop using a word once your dog learns it.