How to Keep My Collie Inside My Fence

The average collie is an adventurous and good-tempered dog. Originally bred to herd livestock, collies are energetic pets that need plenty of exercise. Collies are ideal outdoor dogs, but problems may arise if your dog starts escaping the fence through digging, jumping or other methods. Fortunately most collies are fast learners, and with the right techniques you can keep your collie safely inside the fence, whether you're using a traditional fence or an electronic one.


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      The same general height rule applies for wooden or wire fences.

      Assess your current fence and seek out problem areas. For most adult collies, the fence should be at least five feet high to prevent jumping. Check that all gates are securely latched. If the dog is tunneling beneath the fence, identify areas the dog frequently targets.

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      Protect against digging. If tunneling out of the yard is a persistent problem, add a layer of chicken wire at the bottom of the fence. The wire should reach about one foot high and extend several inches into the soil. Place a layer of wire horizontally beneath the surface of the lawn, so the collie will encounter the wire when digging. Install the wire around the entire perimeter of the fence or at specific problem areas, depending on the severity of the problem.

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      Move large objects away from the fence. Collies are clever problem-solvers, and if you have large items stacked against or near the fence, your pet may use these objects to boost itself over the fence. Keep the sides of the fence uncluttered, and store items near the middle of the yard.

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      Sprinkle cayenne or chili pepper on the soil around the edge of the fence. Target areas where your collie is likely to dig beneath the fence. In many cases, the feel and smell of hot pepper safely discourages the collie from tunneling beneath the fence.

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      Collies tend to be loyal pets and quick studies.

      Train your collie to stay inside the fence. No matter how many other precautions you take, training your dog is one of the most lasting and effective ways to keep your collie inside the fence. Collies are an intelligent breed and are usually fast learners. Some dogs may be stubborn, so repetition and patience is key. Train your collie to come when you call and consistently call it away from the fence. If the collie continues the behavior (digging or jumping), try saying "No" in a firm voice or using a spray bottle with water to harmlessly and effectively scare the dog away from the area.

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      Install an electronic fence. Electronic fences are invisible systems installed beneath the ground. The collie wears a special collar that will start beeping when the dog ventures too near the boundaries. If the collie attempts to go farther, it will receive a harmless but unpleasant shock. Electronic fences may be an ideal option if you don't like the upkeep and appearance of traditional fences, or if your collie continues to find ways to escape a wooden or wire fence. Many companies will install the fences for you, including marking the boundaries of the fence with flags.