Dog Behavior and Training for Bark Control

Dogs like to communicate, and their natural form of doing so is barking or howling. Dogs often bark when they sense the presence of other dogs nearby to establish their territory, or when they encounter strangers on your property or hear sirens or other loud noises. Some dogs also bark incessantly if they are lonely or bored. To maintain a good relationship with your four-legged pal and to keep the peace with neighbors, you need to train your dog to keep its barking to a minimum.

Things You'll Need

  • Collar and leash
  • Dog toys
  • Adjustable feeding ball
  • Treats
  • Spray water bottle
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    • 1

      Train your dog in basic obedience. If you have established early on that you are leader of the pack by teaching your pet basic obedience commands such as "sit, stay, heal and come," it is much more likely to follow your lead when you ask it to be quiet.

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      Exercise your dog daily. Dogs are much more likely to bark or howl if they are bored or overexcited from lack of proper exercise and stimulation. Dogs need attention and exercise to stay healthy physically, mentally and emotionally, just like humans. Take your dog for a walk or jog daily or play with it regularly to keep it fit.

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      Socialize your dog. Regularly introduce your dog to strangers. Take it around the neighborhood to familiarize it with the people, other dogs and sounds in its environment. Take your pet to a dog park or beach to give it both physical and social exercise.

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      Train your dog to be comfortable alone. Sometimes dogs that are with people most of the time have separation anxiety when left alone and bark as a result of stress. Start training your puppy early to be comfortable when left alone, starting with short periods and then expanding to longer periods of isolation. Act calmly upon your return. Acting excited with the dog when you get home only reinforces that being left alone is a big deal.

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      Give your dog enough attention. Too much alone time doesn't suit a dog's basic instincts. Dogs are pack animals and need company. Many problem barkers are dogs that are left alone too long and too often. A lonely and bored dog is oftentimes a vocal dog. If your dog must be left for long periods and has demonstrated problem barking, consider hiring a dog sitter or enrolling it in doggy day care when you're gone.

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      Keep your dog busy when you're away. Fill a Kong-type hard rubber hollow toy or adjustable feeding toy with kibble, treats or peanut butter to keep it occupied for hours while you're gone.

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      Leave the television on. Sometimes the sounds of voices from the television distract the dog from the fact that no one is home and helps keep it quiet.

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      Spray water in the dog's face when it barks unnecessarily. Keep a spray bottle with water handy and squirt the dog in the face with water while giving the command "quiet" in a calm, clear voice every time it barks. The dog associates barking with water in the face, and even water-friendly dogs generally don't like the experience.