How to Housebreak Yorkie Puppies

Yorkshire dogs are a spunky breed. This breed was originally bred to hunt rats and is a highly sociable animal. Because a Yorkie is a small breed, the dog is equipped with a small bladder. Housebreaking your Yorkie from having accidents is essential before those accidents turn into a daily habit. With encouragement, patience and reinforcing good behavior, your Yorkie can learn to avoid having accidents in your home.

Things You'll Need

  • Puppy pads
  • Crate
  • Blanket
  • Chew toy
  • Dog gate
  • Enzyme cleaner
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  1. Potty Techniques

    • 1

      Teach your dog a potty spot. Choose a location either indoors or outdoors that your dog will associate as its place to go to the bathroom.

    • 2

      Walk your dog to a place outdoors and say "Potty." Continually return your Yorkie puppy to same spot when you take it outdoors.

    • 3

      Place a puppy pad in a location indoors and take your Yorkie to the pad, saying "Potty." As your dog progresses, transition the puppy pads by your back door.

    • 4

      Develop a schedule with your Yorkie. Let your puppy out when you wake up in the morning, after it eats and every one to two hours.

    • 5

      Praise your dog when it uses the restroom in its potty spot. If your dog went outdoors, return it indoors so that the outdoors is only associated with using the potty.

    Crate Training

    • 6

      Confine your Yorkie in a crate when you're not available. Leave nothing in the crate with the exception of a blanket and a chew toy. Keep the crate small enough for your Yorkie to turn around in.

    • 7

      Come home during your lunch hour when possible to let your Yorkie use the potty. Use a dog gate to section off a part of your home when you can't come home. Leave the dog crate open for your puppy. Place a puppy pad down.

    • 8

      Take your puppy to use the restroom before placing it within the crate. Return the puppy to its potty spot when it comes out of the crate.