Determine if you're willing to fully devote your time, home and love to an animal in need until a permanent home is found. Keep in mind that being a pet's foster parent can be fulfilling, rewarding and heartbreaking at the same time.
Locate your local humane society, SPCA or animal rescue shelter by searching online and through your local phone book. Contact them and ask if they have any need or openings for foster parents. Most will be in great need, so contact the one you most prefer first.
Visit the office or shelter to meet with the officials in charge of fostering. Fill out an application or perform an interview. If accepted, you will have to attend a quick training session or orientation before taking a pet home.
Prep your home in accordance to the request of the organization you will be working with. Make sure your home is clean and pet friendly. Ask the organization or shelter how to best ready your home. In some cases, a member of the shelter or animal rescue will visit your home to confirm that you are ready to foster a pet.