How to Break Dogs From Urinating on Beds

Dogs may be urinating on the bed due to behavioral or medical reasons. Eliminating the problem will take consistency and determination, but trying new techniques and understanding your dog will assist in solving the problem. Finding out the cause of your dog's actions will help you to move forward with behavioral modification. Once your dog has ceased urinating on the bed, take the proper steps to continue house-training so his bed-wetting actions do not resurface.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog crate
  • Article of clothing
  • Baby gate
  • Flannel back tablecloth
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      Determine if your dog has a bladder infection. If so, speak to a veterinarian about a prescription. A bladder infection will cause your dog to urinate uncontrollably, and your bet could be a target.

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      Crate your dog when you aren't at home so he is confined to one area. This technique is used to house-train dogs while you are away and at night. Place an article of clothing that has your smell on it to comfort him when he is in his bed. Crate train when your dog is young. Attempting to crate train an older dog could increase anxiety.

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      Close your bedroom door when you aren't at home or sleeping. If you door does not close, place a baby gate in the doorway to keep your dog out.

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      Ignore your dog for 30 minutes after he urinates on your bed. Dogs are naturally affectionate. By ignoring him you are hurting his feelings.

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      Place a flannel back tablecloth over your bed when you are not in bed. Dogs do not like the smell or texture of this material and will stay away from it. Purchase a tablecloth large enough so you can tuck it under your mattress and he cannot scratch it up.