How to Plant Pigeons For Dog Training

Perhaps you have a young or inexperienced dog that needs some practice in bird work. Planting pigeons is, more or less, an artificial means to train the dog. While your dog is still learning, be sure to train on days with light wind. This will make it easier for the dog to pick up on the bird scent and will set the dog up for success. Pigeons can be purchased from breeders and dealers who often sell large quantities at a time. Pigeons are strong flyers and are an appropriate size for young dogs to carry.


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      Dizzy each bird. Hold it upside down, with its wings pressed against its body, and shake it. Another technique is to hold the bird upright, with its wings pressed against its body, and swing the bird so its head starts to move in circles. You may also try tucking the bird's head under a wing and holding the bird down with its full body weight on that wing. The pigeon is ready to plant when its eyes and head have become droopy.

      Always handle the birds with clean, cotton gloves. This will help prevent confusing the dog with your scent.

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      Place the pigeons in the grass. They will stay there for a while before recovering and flying off. Be patient during the planting. The process takes time and patience. You will likely have some pigeons fly off too early.

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      Pay attention to your tracks. Since the goal is to make this training as close to actual hunting, you must set the field properly so the dog doesn't just hunt the areas where it smells your scent. For example, when you are planting the pigeons, enter the field in a different direction than the one you will come in with your dog. It is also possible to toss the bird several yards off your track. The goal is to have more bird scent and less man scent in the training area. After the birds are planted, retrieve your dog, and begin the training.