How to Stop a Puppy From Chewing Another Dog's Ears

Chewing and licking another dog's ears or jowls is a sign of submissive behavior in puppies. It's how they integrate themselves with older pack members, and most puppies grow out of the behavior as they get older. If your other dog doesn't like having their ears chewed on, or you don't like cleaning up the other dog's ears afterward, you can discourage this behavior and redirect the puppy's energy into a more appropriate activity.

Things You'll Need

  • Bitter spray or gel
  • Appropriate chewing toys
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      Purchase a bitter spray solution from a veterinarian or pet store. These non-toxic formulations are harmless to the dogs, but most dogs don't like the taste.

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      Apply the spray or gel to the ears of the dog that are being chewed. Watch the puppy to make sure it stops the behavior. Some dogs will chew despite the spray.

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      Distract the puppy when the chewing behavior starts. Give the puppy a more appropriate chew toy, such as a rubber ring or pig ear.

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      Play with the puppy to wear him out. Dogs sometimes chew because they're bored. Give him a more appropriate behavior to do instead, such as fetching a toy.