How to Relieve Storm Anxiety in Dogs

Many dogs display signs of fear and anxiety during loud thunderstorms. Owners often worry that their dog will run away or accidentally injure themselves while trying to hide during a storm. Dogs can get over their anxiety with training, if it is done correctly. Ignoring the problem, or rewarding the dog's fearful behavior will only make the situation worse. Once a dog becomes accustomed to loud noises and storms, it will realize it has nothing to fear and will relax.


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      Create a safe place. Put your dog in a place where it feels comfortable and relaxed. Watch where it goes when it's nervous or scared, and give the dog full access to that place. Some dogs feel most comfortable in their kennel: While others feel safe under the covers of a bed, or in a closet.

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      Keep your dog distracted. When your dog first starts showing signs of being nervous during a storm, get out its favorite toy and let it play for a while. Get your dog started doing something it enjoys, such as playing fetch or gnawing on a chew toy.

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      Desensitize your dog to loud noises. Play a recording of a storm at a normal volume and watch your dog's reaction. Continually increase the volume and give the dog treats when it doesn't display fear. If the dog does start to show fear, stop the session and try again the next day. Keep doing this until the dog starts to become accustomed to the noise.

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      Stay calm. If you are nervous during a storm, your dog may pick up on that and become nervous too. Continuing with your normal routine, as if nothing is wrong, will show the dog there is nothing to be afraid of. Try not to jump or show any reaction to a big clap of thunder because your dog will notice this.

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      Medicate your dog. Have your veterinarian prescribe your dog anti-anxiety medication to help it relax. Some of the milder medications can be give to the dog daily, throughout the stormy summer season. While stronger medications can be given to the dog during the actual storm. You may need to try out several combinations of medications, before you find the ones that work.