How to Train an English Boxer Bulldog in Seven Days

If you have a boxer and bulldog mix, you may already be familiar with the joys and challenges of the animal. If not, get ready for a wild ride -- they are stubborn and strong, but affectionate and faithful as well. Needing to train this kind of mutt in a short amount of time can be a recipe for frustration. Both breeds are intelligent and hardworking, but want to do things their own way and in their own time.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
  • Collar
  • Leash
  • A helper
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    • 1

      Start with the easiest commands. Teach your dog "come" before anything else. This will be easy, because both breeds' natural instinct is to want to be near you. Have another person (the helper) hold the dog across the room while you go the other side. Hold treats in your palm at waist level and say "come." The dog should run to you. Give the dog the treats and praise it for obeying.

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      Teach the dog "sit" next. Hold the treats in your hand the same way as before, this time with the dog in front of you. Say "sit" and push down on the dog's back, just above its tail. Give the dog treats and again, praise it for obeying. Practice this exercise at different times of day -- boxers and bulldogs are stubborn, and sometimes will not do as you ask simply because they don't feel like it. By catching the dog at different moments, you increase your chances of finding it in a people-pleasing mood.

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      Practice these commands as many times as possible on a daily basis for one week, stopping only when your dog has mastered them.