How to Mute a Barking Dog

There are several unwanted dog behaviors, from urinating on the floor to chewing up a tennis shoe, that a dog will outgrow or can easily be cleaned up. A dog that barks cannot only be an issue for your home, it can be irritating for friends and neighbors that must hear the unwanted noise. There are several ways that a dog of any aged can be silenced, from teaching the "quiet" command to simply playing with the dog.

Things You'll Need

  • Empty soda can
  • Uncooked beans
  • Dog treats
  • Dog toys
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  1. Quiet Command

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      Allow the dog to bark two to three times at any stimulus that brings it on, such as a passerby on the street or a knock at the door.

    • 2

      Shake an empty soda can filled with uncooked beans at the dog after the two to three barks. This will get the dog's attention and quiet the barking. As you are shaking the can, utter the word "quiet."

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      Give the dog a treat once he successfully stops barking.

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      Continue to practice this method two to three times a day, including shaking the can, uttering the "quiet" command and offering the treat. Eventually, the shaking can and treat will be phased out and the dog will stop barking whenever it hears the quiet command.

    Other Methods

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      Take the dog on a long walk or play a game that will wear the dog out, such as fetch. This will expel any of the dog's extra energy, making it too tired to bark.

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      Provide the dog with a variety of toys. A few toys can be purchased and used in and out to keep the dog from getting bored. This will keep the dog occupied, which will prevent him from barking out of boredom.

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      Avoid leaving the dog home alone for extended periods of time. Sometimes a dog will bark out of fear and loneliness. An alternative is to offer him a companion at home, enroll the dog in a doggy daycare or ask a friend to come and play with the pet during the day.

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      Avoid yelling at the dog to keep him quiet. Many dogs will think your yelling is a form of barking and will continue to bark, believing that it is an acceptable behavior.